From Customer Experience to Citizen & Patient Experience
JAKALA Civitas is the New Co. founded in 2022 by JAKALA, specialized in Management Consulting, Service Design, IT Transformation, AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, Geo Intelligence & Media.
The New Co.'s offer is focused on a broad portfolio of services and solutions towards the citizen and the patient with JAKALA's MarTech approach, to apply the principles of Customer Experience to an unprecedented Citizen & Patient Experience. The pillars of JAKALA Civitas’ offer are coupled with a Transformation competence that will maximize the success and adoption of these new technologies, replicating the success and positioning achieved by JAKALA in the Private world.
Our Offering
JAKALA Civitas supports players in the Public Sector with its innovative and Data Driven approach and deep expertise in Advisory, Tech & Digital.
People Organization e Change Management
Service Design & UX
Policies Analysis & PNRR
Data Analytics
AI & Machine Learning
Data Lab & Analytics
Data & Geo-Intelligence
Support for Topographical Services
Smart City
Standardisation and Geocoding
Geophysical and Structural Monitoring
IT Advisory & PMO
IT Architecture & Solutions
Cloud Transformation
Data governance & Data Strategy
Business Intelligence
Digital & Media
Contents & Creativity
MarTech & AdTech
Media Strategy & Activation

• JAKALA CIVITAS S.p.A. / Corso di Porta Romana 15 / 20122 Milan - Italy / Tax code and P.I. and no. Registration with the Companies' Register of Milan 12449180962
Single-member supervisory body, composed of Lawyer Verena Pusateri; email: odvcivitas@jakala.com
Cap. soc. deliberated and subscribed Euro 1,000,000 and paid up Euro 250,000.